Case Study - SPCAA WIC

SPCAA WIC - South Plains Communication Action Association WIC
Beginning from Scratch
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Case Studies

With 120 clinics under its umbrella, The South Plains Communication Action Association WIC ( needed a system that was both manageable, functional, and accessible for individual clinic directors to update their clinic pages.

DSBWorldwide started with a creative discussion. We listened. We brainstormed. We procured the domain—which would be under the client’s control.

We developed a set of compositions and showed them to the client. They loved them!

On to the chop-and-build phase.

  • Hosting? Check.
  • SSL installed?  Check.
  • WebItems® Software installed? Check.
  • Template engineered and built? Check.
  • Modules styled? Check.

As always, we provided the client with a set of Beta codes so they could monitor design progress, because clients love to watch a plan coming together!

That’s when the nuts and bolts of designing and mobilizing the websites commenced. Pages are configured, mega navigation is implemented. Existing content is migrated.

DSBWorldwide initiated a review meeting once the web site was fully constructed. We reviewed all content with the client. Then we listened for feedback.

We made all requested changes.

Once the site was approved, client training kicked into high gear. We set up UAdmin Back Office user accounts for the primary client and for directors who manage the 120 clinic subpages.

After the site was built, we optimized it for search engines and social portals.  Actually it was auto optimized with the WebItems® Software, but we like to fine tune our project sites SEO and SMO.

And we launched the site in record time.

The corporate parent, SPCAA, was so pleased with the work we did for SPCAAWIC that they hired us to redesign their corporate site,

DSBWorldwide also delivered that site in record time, beating all deadlines and exceeding all expectations.

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