Case Study - The Bahamas Barber Beauty Trade, TBBBT,
Case Study - The Bahamas Barber Beauty Trade, TBBBT,
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Case Studies


EduClasses®,,  in partnership with Early Access Training Center, EATC,, a leader in online and continuing education courses in The Bahamas, worked with DSBWorldWide, DSB,, to brand, host, develop, launch and manage a Continuing Education Platform for Professional Tradespeople within The Bahamas to receive nationally mandated continuing education so as to maintain their professional trade licenses.


Creative Discussion

First things first. 

DSB conducted a creative discussion with EATC to discuss and uncover all the elements and functions the platform requires and must handle. 

During the discussion we determined:

  • What trades within The Bahamas were needing Continuing Education. 
  • What kind of training was necessary such as “Online Training” versus “On Site Face to Face Training”.
  • If any exams or knowledge checks were to be a part of the online training.
  • If a certificate or registration card would be issued upon passing the training.
  • It was determined the system would have a “Review Authority” to help process students toward “Online Training” versus “On Site Face to Face Training”.
  • The ability for the “Review Authority” to process a queue of students with functions for editing, passing review, declining to reapply and determining which type of training the student was to receive.
  • The student would be able to select a “Training Provider” in case they are required to have “On Site Face to Face Training”.
  • Giving the “Training Provider” the ability to mark the student as “Pass” or “Fail”.
  • Once the student passes the training the Platform would allow the student to download their Official Continuing Education Training Certificate and a Registration Card that can be used as a badge. 
  • There is a QR code on both the certificate and registration badge for ID verification.


Determination of the Platform’s Brand Name

During the creative discussion a name for the platform had to be determined.  We took in consideration the location of the training service, and who the target audience was.  We researched domain names and considered SEO while we were narrowing down on our choices. 

The final branded name for the platform was decided upon:

Platform Name: “The Bahamas Barber Beauty Trade”

Procured Domain:


Brand Logo

Now that we had the platform name the Brand Logo had to be created.  Several compositions were created and reviewed.  The final Brand Logo incorporated elements of the professional trades being drawn from the continuing education platform and the platform name. 

Elements: Scissors, with 3 Bs that were hand drawn using an opensource map as a guide. 

Font: A combo of bold & semi-bold "Abril Text". 

Background Elements:  The Bahamas island geography was incorporated within the Brand Logo to balance out the logo giving it a complete look and feel.


Platform Development and Build

DSB then began the build of the Continuing Education platform.  During this process multiple review sessions were held to discuss the platform and its processes.

  • Hosting was configured for the development of the platform.
  • The SSL was installed.
  • WebItems® Software was installed. 
  • The UAdmin Back Office was configured for the platform.
  • The Front End of the TBBBT Platform template was built.
  • The various required features and functions were developed and implemented. 
  • The TBBBT Platform was styled for mobile access. 
  • The Official TBBBT Training Certificate and Registration Badges were designed, reviewed and approved.
  • The TBBBT Training Certificate and Registration Badge system were developed and tested for download.
  • The video training material was created by EATC along with the exams and knowledge checks. 
  • DSB migrated all the training material provided by EATC, knowledge material and exams. 
  • The Platform was configured.
  • The TBBBT platform was fully tested and fine-tuned from suggestions or ideas worked out during testing and review. 
  • After the build the “Review Authority” and “Training Provider” accounts were created for accessing the “Review Queue” and “Training Provider Queue”. 
  • The Review Authority and Training Providers along with the EduClasses support department were trained on the processes of the TBBBT platform.
  • Once finished and ready for launch the merchant service was turned on.



After the site was built, we optimized it for search engines and social portals.  Actually, it was auto optimized with the WebItems® Software that EduClasses® systems are built on, but we like to fine tune our project sites SEO and SMO.


Post Launch Review

TBBBT was launched in record time.  All parties involved are pleased with the final product and excited to see it being put to use by the Professional Tradespeople within The Bahamas.

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